Friday, July 30, 2010

Raise Update

Well I said I would post an update to all the events that have been happening. This is number 4 on the list.

My Raise is on my mind today because as I was going through old text files and posting them I came to the origional post I had written to be excited I was getting a raise and how I was going to re-invest it into my savings.

Well... it turns out that my raise ended up being an increase of $2.57 yep you read it right. The cost of medical benefits went up on July 1 just as my raise came in. And basically it all went to the cost of health care. (And people wonder why the middle class can't get ahead?)

I also received an email today from the parking services. They are raising the cost of parking to be 120 bucks. (I think that works out to an increase of $5.00 per pay period.) Now because my raise was $2.57 per pay period. I am about to be $2.50 in the hole.... till January when I switch my medical benefits plan. And that is before I jump to the next bracket in health care once my DD is born. Ahhhh Sigh.

Well. There it is. Another year of a wash in increase in pay. I really need a moonlighting position. I just don't know what I can do. I have web dev skills, I have book keeping skills. Its finding the clients that want those skills and will allow me to work from home that is the challenge.

All things considered I am glad I got the raise because otherwise this post would be about keeping my health care benefits is costing me money to work and what are my options. As it stands I am still making the change to a different plan in Jan. I hate the plan I have. But I am taking maximum advantage of it... C-Section, tubes in my son's ears and thyroid surgery. At least they didn't make any money off me ;-)

I am becoming a yard sale junkie.

I am becoming a yard sale junkie.

Early on this summer I found a yard sale with kids stuff and I got a little Tykes slide for $8.00 Total bargain. Every kid in the neighborhood has tried it out in one way or another.

In the spring I had really awesome success at a consignment sale near my home. I had gone there the year before and I had good success getting clothing items for my infant son. So knowing I am going to need items for two small kids now... I looked online to see if they were having a sale again. They were. And there was an added bonus that if I sent in a check for $10 I could get in the door at 7:30. Vs 8am when they let in the rest of the crew. I knew all the big items last year were sold early. I also knew that I want to get a swing for my new baby we did not get one for our son and I think it would have helped. So I sent in my payment and made a plan with my husband that I would be getting up and out of the house early and he was to be in charge Sat morning. (Getting him to agree should be easier... Sigh)

With an execution plan in my head, list of needed items in hand I set off to the school where the sale was being held. Parking was crowded but not awful. I found the correct early bird line and hopped on. When they let us in I went right over to the big equip items. There were about 9 or 10 swings there. I picked one that was reasonably priced looked clean enough and headed over to the purchase area (this took all of 5 minutes) I went out to my car and placed the item in the trunk. I then returned to the entrance and re-entered the sale. I started shopping for the rest of the items on my list. I looked at the bedding. And there was the cutest bumper crib set. Pink and green a perfect match for the quilt I have in mind to get for the Oct baby. it was priced 1/2 of the online ones I have seen and very gently used. I was thrilled. I also found a hand made pink blanket and a few girl clothes. I had good success with the boy clothes although the pickings are much slimmer for the larger sizes.

So now I have been looking online and they are having another sale on 09/25. I have resolved to cross my legs and wait to have this baby till 10-1 so I can get DS's winter clothes. Keep your fingers crossed. I saved A LOT of cash buying used clothes. Its been a great find.

Focusing on what I want most.

Inspired by the link above...

Focusing on what I want most.

My priorities
1) my daughters college degree
2) I would like to be debt free
3) I would like to own my own home in which I can retire mortgage free
4) Surrounded by my loving family who I love in return.

What I want vs what I want right now.

Right now I want to go back to bed. But That could cause me to loose sick time and take away from maternity time I am planning to take in October.It is important to me to have "bonding time with my new baby so I will stick it out here at work.

I recently had a conversation with my DD. She was making a stew out of everything going haywire in her life. I tried to help her refocus on only what was important to solve for today. I asked her how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Keep a smaller focus in order to truely achieve your dreams.

She understands but is often surrounded by girls who do not share the same long term perspective. She gets frustrated by the fact they want to be soccer moms and drive a mini van. While she is looking forward to her career. It is often still a choice, despite more equality in the workplace, to have children vs a career. I was often of the Mrs degree. I still think I would like to smack that 20 year old child in me and say you are going to have to work for the rest of your life. Make sure you like what you do. focus on the work part because the marriage and kids is the easy part. Sigh... I knew so little. Yet as life journey continues I like where I am in general. I have a few sources of discomfort I want to be debt free. It causes me a lot of stress. I want to live in my own home instead of paying rent forever. But when you pull back from the details of day to day living I am happy with my Husband and family. I am proud of my DD,and DS and look forward to a second DD on the way. Most days I think I am utterly insane for being pregnant again. But I know I want to have children around me for a long time. My husband wanted to be a dad so crazy as it is, it is done with love. Who knows how it will turn out but I too want to live until I am 90 and so I must act as if that will come to pass. And take steps to ensure it will take place.

Some days I get the money I wants. I want a higher paying career, I want my masters degree, I want the super-sized McMansion. None of those things is unreachable, I just need to make them a priority. Yet I tend to fall back to the simple top 4 listed above. The first is almost achieved. Once it is accomplished I will turn to debt and a home search in a more intense way. I let myself fantasize about the McMansion. If you don't enjoy a good daydream whats the use of envisioning something? But when I envision the details of the dream most of the time I see happy children running in the back yard while my husband and I enjoy a glass of wine with each other or with friends. The location is less important then the scene I paint. Perhaps it comes from my family home which was a large colonial in the suburbs. Where we live now is just costly. We could get a LOT more house for less if we lived in another part of the country. But my#1 choice is where my brother returned to last year in June. He has just become employed after one fill year of unemployment. The prospect is not appealing. We will stay where we are for a while longer.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July Updates

1) my DD school has been resolved and I will be sending her off in August for the fall semester.

2) We took the cheapest vacation ever in our lives and I will have to crunch the numbers on that later. I am pleased

3) My DH is crunching numbers for daycare and a new car - enntire post coming on that

4) My raise came in. And there was an increase to the cost of my benefits. Result: my raise was $2.57 yep you read it right.

5) I am crunching numbers today and I will be posting the results of vacation, car payments, and daycare payments