Monday, March 09, 2009

monday musings

I have a full plate today so here goes....

I hate Daylight savings time. I always feel so tired for days until my body adjusts. The whole house is sick and that makes the adjustment LONGER. Ugh How many days do you have to be sick before you call the doctor? I would just like to stop coughing!

Financial concerns: If a bank where you have a credit card goes under what happens?I have a plan to eliminate the debt all together. Yet... I have 6 Credit cards left. I am trying to make it 5 as fast as I can. Most have under $2,500 dollars on them and I took offers of 3.9 & 4.9% to gain lower rates. But One card has a little over $12,000 on it. What would I do if they changed the terms? What rights do I have if the bank is taken over? If the bank outright fails and closes its doors would I still owe the money or would it be forgiven? (Boy would my snowball shrink then!) They would probably sell it to a collections service. Would I be able to continue making payments then? Would they want the whole amount at once? (I dont have it so forget it) The offer I have now is 3.9% till the balance is paid off. I do not want to change the terms of that deal. I get plenty of offers in the mail, even these days, to transfer my balances. But most banks have shortened the terms of the offer. 3.99 for 6 months or 0 for three mnonths. I have a plan to eliminate the debt all together. So for myself nothing has changed. I will continue to pay down my cards with no new charges going onto them until the debt is gone. It was a 3 year plan. It is a little longer now with DS in the picture. I will continue on my journey. After all I have already paid down $14,668. whats another $25,135 ??? LOL UGH my stomach hurts seeing that number. But I did it. I ran it up I will pay it off. I think the answer is that there are so many possibilities don't borrow trouble you have no control over. But with all the banking in the news its hard not to watch and wonder.

On happier news. I was able to get a little more done on the baby bib. We are going to AZ in April and I want to have it completed before the trip.

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