Monday, September 15, 2008


The in between weeks take forever. I am waiting to be paid again and I just got paid today. I wait for the end of the month to check my progress because there is no progress in between. There 1080 days until I am debt free maybe. And today I am one day closer to holding my baby in my arms. I cant wait to see him I cant wait to rock to him and sing nursery rhyme songs. I am waiting... I am not good at waiting. But I did hear a song that reminded me of why I chose the journey today... And I think I am on the path to debt free to re learn the steps. I have to go back and remember how I got here (Unending spending and unemployment) I never said no to my daughter. I would not get a haircut for 3 months or more because we could not afford it but I would get her new clothes, take her to the doctor and spend on her. I believed that was my duty to do. Now I am paying for those swim lessons and the latest Limited Too fashion. I was conservative I never went off the roof spending but I wanted her to look like the other kids. I didn't want her to grow up feeling poor. we were. I was a single Mom for most of her life. With Child #2 I need to be a little more conservative. I can see the top of the hill and even If I have to crawl and claw my way to debt free. Even if it takes 6 years I am going to do it. I have to.

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