Monday, June 16, 2008

June bug

Today I am procrastinating. I really really don't want to talk to my ex husband about college funding. I really don't want to talk to him at all. I have been sticking my head in the sand and hoping it will pass. And yet I also know the clock is ticking. I am trying to get it all done soon so I can go on vacation and spend time relaxing. I just don't want to do this one thing.

I have also realized because May was so expensive that I am going to need to pull funds from somewhere to get stuff done this month. There seems to be a huge sucking vacuum on my checking account. I am really trying to stop the river flowing out of my checking account but every time I plug a hole another one seems to appear. I really feel like I am sinking. But then I take stock of where I have been and I know I can continue to pay down the debt. Here are my options for June.

1) Dip into emergency fund
2) Pay just a little less then the $1000. I have budgeted for the month.
3) some combination of both.

For the last 6 months I have been putting away a little more then $1000. Typically its $1080 for the month. And I have been putting money into the Emergency fund. BUT right now child needs contacts and We need $400.00 cash to go on vacation. And if you have doubts that there are benefits to going on vacation just read this article in the NYT. I was sold. Vacations are good for you. I need one. I am so stressed from getting a sassy teen through High school I need a vacation. Besides $400.00 for the week is not a lot of spending.

So how to Squeeze $359.88 + $400.00 from the budget...

I had planned to use the stimulus for the vacation house $400.00 of it anyway. Its gone. I have also rc'd the last child support payment ever. So my budget is now reduced by $500.00 per month. I thought I could wing it but I am thinking I need to re evaluate the plan.

If I pay $800 to debt instead of $1000. It gives me $200 to vacation. I have $200.00 in checking I can use. for the $400.00 vacation money. The $359.88 can come from savings for the contacts. So there it is. I can do this budgeting stuff and make it work.

I calculated the Min payments of all my cards. That adds up to $671.00 So Even paying only $800.00 to debt I still am paying down the debt this month by $129.00. Also If I rcv the $150.00 from work for expenses I will apply that right to the debt. Then it all comes out okay. Ahhh Beach here I come.

Even with my money woes I still keep wanting to purchase maternity clothes. I need another two pairs of pants for my work. But NO GO. I will have to make what I have work for now. If I am shorting my debt repayment $200.00 No pants for me July - or Maybe August.

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