Monday, July 09, 2007

well I have not posted in a while. I was discouraged that no one had found the blog. But in reality I need to just blog for myself. I believed when I was getting a divorce that no one should have to go through this and If I told the story someone would learn from it. But as I have aged and seen quite a few people part ways I realize thsat no matter how loud you yell you cant change what other peop[le want to believe. It is important to keep a record of where I have been though. It matters to me what the journed was like so here I type again with renewed efforts.

I found a note I wrote to myself diligence and faithfulness to pay off debt. I think it came from the dave ramsey show. I am not really a fan but I do think he gives some pretty good advice. The thing that is hard for me is that my expenses are so varied each month. Its why I upped the emerg fund to $2000 instead of $1000 I just think I am going to need that extra cushion. The way I am currently building the fund is one pay check a month (and I get paid bi monthly) I put aside ten percent of my paycheck. The primary beginning of the month I try have money left over but it does not happen often. Letting my fiancee cover every day items is so hard for me. I really need to fight over each item less. If he picks up the check then he feels like he can and I need to let him. He makes so much more then I do I need to chill!!!

The borrower is the slave for the lender I feel like a slave to the credit companies for sure. Everything I do is is this worth it? The answer is always NO. I want to break the bonds. I think a second job is reasonable. It will help to move things forward. One day at a time diligence and faithfulness I can do it.

Just for today the healthful money steps I have chosen to take are: I scanned in old bank statements and then shredded them. I filed my credit card statements and gave myself a peaceful calm place to work. I suspect I will need to do some overtime this week so I needed to make sure all the clutter was out of the way.

Keep it peaceful!

I am not a financial professional. If you are looking for financial advise you should seek it elsewhere. If you would like to join me on the journey, walk with me for a while and be my friend......

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