Monday, July 16, 2007

Increase in Savings

I have over $700 in savings!!! I was able to increase my savings from 29% to 35% I am so excited!~ and proud. I have been feeling as though it is impossible for me to make any financial progress. But I did. I am starting to feel it. That is such good good news!!! I am looking forward to the day when I am looking for more stuff to pay off!!! like these guys have... I never thought I could do it! I get paid twice a month and on the middle of the month paycheck I am putting 10% into savings. I will have to take some $ out for car insurance when it comes due but as long as I put away one paycheck's 10% I will reach my goal in one year. A LOT faster then I ever thought possible! It seemed so unlikely that I would be able to save because I feel as though I have so many "demands" on my money. But the truth is it is not so hard. On the day after I get paid I just go online and transfer the funds over. Then I forget about savings and just work with my checking account. I am so excited. - and for all you vetrans out there yes I know this is the recommended way to go and actually I am setting aside less then I actually should bet these are MY baby steps and I am feeling the glow of accomplishment! I can feel the drive to save & be debt free!!!

You know people on diets often will say I will do anything to lose weight. and when someone says how about exercise 30 minutes a day 5 days a week the reply is except that. Thats how I feel about the progress I have made. Its like seeing those first five pounds come off the scale. PRIDE!

I also got rid of 3 4 magazines today. I am a clutter bug and I felt that the clutter is holding me back. I looked at selling old archives of all my cross stitch magazines on eBay but in truth it is not worth it there are plenty of copies of these old issues out there and I don't need the pounds of paper anywhere near me when I move again next year. So I scanned in the patterns I wanted to keep and TOSSED the rest away!!!! Clean out the clutter! I want a pretty home office and I can see the vision!

I came across a new to me blog today, this blogger reinforced a principle that I agree with completely.... Visualizing! If you can see it you can do it! and I am going to be debt free!

The fact my daughter is going to college next year makes me realize how fast time goes by. I cant believe that it slips away so quickly. Why doesn't this work on debt? and then I thought but it does. In three years I plan to be credit card debt free. Just three years S will be a junior in college. I can do that. I just need a workable plan! I have already begun baby steps for the savings. Thats good and I cant believe it has not been more painful!

I am not a financial professional. If you are looking for financial advise you should seek it elsewhere. If you would like to join me on the journey, walk with me for a while and be my friend......

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