Monday, April 23, 2007

Changing times

Changing times.... We have had to make a lot of adjustments this month. There were solid reasons for all the choices we made as a family and I made on my own. It makes me realize that as an adult I have come a long way. I probably still have a long way to go.....

First we had to change our plans for my daughters spring break. A devastating choice for her. Then she was traveling for a week. Her last week in her winter sport ended quickly with not feeling well and a drive to go and rescue her. (That's what parents do....) And now this weekend is Prom. I remember my first Prom and I wish for her a much better time then I had. I also do not wish to spend an arm and a leg for her to have that good time. Nails, hair, dress, prom bid... Mom does not mean made of money. If she had a job of her own I would encourage her to pay for the special things she wants. I have instead encouraged her to pursue sports and arts to develop independence for going on to college. In a way I got what I wished for. So now I just have to fund it.

Goals.... Paperwork. I am feeling frozen again. Whenever there is something I do not want to do I drag my heels and move more slowly then I should. I do not want to fill out some Insurance forms. And tracking down a 401k from two jobs ago seems useless. But I think its worth it. My logical good sense mind knows I need to do these things for me. My child inside is frozen and I don't know why. I cannot voice what I am afraid of but I know its fear. The consequences will be worse by not taking action. I did one thing today. I have two left to fill out and a phone call to make. I can do it. Even writing it here seems so silly to me to say what on earth is holding you back? Step up! you can do it.... and I will now that I have said it out loud.

My other goal is stop buying lunch at work. Its not too bad $5.00 per day. But I think I can save more by taking a frozen meal, soup and crackers, that type of thing. Plus soda is a big expense and I need to buy more effectively. I'll bet I could save about $25.00 a month if I brought in my own from home instead of buying sodas at work. And please don't tell me not to drink them at all I am too addicted and way to old to change that habit.

Inspiration today came from this article on MSN and here at the No credit needed podcast. The phrase debt burden keeps ringing in my head today. I will get out. I will get out I will get out from all this debt. This month is proving to be a bigger challenge then I thought. However.... I have hope for May. And who knows maybe Fed ex could use a box loader for a short time.

On the Major positive side... Work has promised me a laptop and a desktop computer. Way to go! It will be a lot nicer to use that then this old PII and I have. I am running out of memory and disk space!

I am not a financial professional. If you are looking for financial advise you should seek it elsewhere. If you would like to join me on the journey, walk with me for a while and be my friend......

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