Hard for me to realize that I have not posted since Jan. I thought it had only been a few weeks. Silly traveler....
So Instead of back tracking and trying to catch you all up I will just do a brief where have I been and then quickly move forward.
The fall was super bad for expenses. I pulled myself up by my boot straps and re focused in Feb and said no more silliness. So far Feb, March and april have been more on track and I have managed to get my debt payoff to 33% in number terms for you geeks....
I started this journey at $39804.12. Currently I have $26,713.65 in Credit card debt. I have paid off in 2 years $13,090.47 WEEEEEE I have paid off $13,090.47 in debt. I do not wish to be there ever again!
My goals have been to pay off the total of the debt in 3 years. based on the fact it took 2 years to come 1/3 of the way it looks like it will be more like 6 before I am truely free. Thats okay. Not fun but okay. As long as I get ther eventually.
There have been set backs... Health care additional costs and college expenses for my daughter.
There has also been good news. I got a small raise. Even though the place where I work has put a freeze on all raises They examined my salary and found (NOT to my surprise) that I was paid too low below market and this was un equitable. So they gave me a bump to make it more of a market rate. In truth I think I could leave this employeer and make a move to almost double my salary and that is my plan in two years... But I will blog more on the hows of that some other time.
In June of 2009 I had 23864 in debt so I am still not quite back to where I was a year ago.
I left off here... I will post this and continue more in another blog
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