Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Details matter

Today I did a little bit of follow up to make sure a grant my daughter is entitled to was being processed. Its a good thing I did. It turns out that the university had not completed a detailed listing of fees and the grant was going to be $750 less then it could have been. Thankfully I contacted the DD's university and they provided more information. Hopefully this will be enough. It did not look like a lot of documentation but perhaps it will do. If not we will be back in touch with both places for round 3. Getting funding this year has been a beast. I need a third job.... Sigh. I am just trying to take it one day at a time and it is not okay to have to come up with an additional $750.00

EVERYONE is becoming so tight with every detail simple transactions seem to be much more complicated. Everyone is watching every dime. I guess that includes me too. Details matter and I don't have a spare $750 anywhere.

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