I read Paid twice's blog often. I have found that if you surround yourself with people who are on the same path for a goal you will be more likely to achieve that goal. I really really want to be out of debt. I can not ignore the huge credit hunk of change I owe. And I have noticed that the interest rates did indeed go up. The banks want a little more from me... I do not really want to give it to them but I did borrow the money.
I currently have 6 cards that have a balance on them. 3 of the cards are at a fixed rate until the balance is paid off. I like that fact. It saves me a LOT of money. The other three cards drive me bonkers. CC#2 is the currrent card I am paying the largest amount to each month. CC#3 will be next and CC#4 has a 9.9% rate that has not increased... However... I am charging my web design space to CC#4. It is $14.00 per month. So I eliminate any debt reduction by the charge. Previously I did not want to get rid of my domain name. But currently my job focus is elsewhere and I no longer need to post a portfolio. And if I did need to host a web space I could sign up again. Nothing there is critical any more. So it has to go. It is important to revisit these charges. Because as few as 3 months ago I felt differently. But my career goals have shifted just so slightly and I feel it is no longer necessary to have web space. Actually I feel it is foolish to hold on to something that is costing me money for no benefit.
So How do I feel about Debt elimination over savings?
Well I am in the middle. It has been saving grace that I have paid down as much as I have so that when issues come up like vacation, child's father not paying for college and school expenses I just reallocate some of the debt elimination/repayment money to the current spending challenges. Life does happen. Just because I got myself into debt does not mean my child has to pay and pay. She will have her own challenges. And having a college degree for her is so important to me I would do a lot to make sure it will happen. I would even take on more debt. I know its not Dave Ramsey's philosophy - but he is a multi-millionaire and he funded his kids schools long ago. Each of his kids are in college. There is a classest divide in this country. Those who do not have good skills or a degree have a much harder time in life supporting themselves. I want my daughter to have a degree so she can get employment. I am committed to it.
SO Anyway....
I also see the value in building up savings. I used a little savings to carry us at the end of May. Things were just too tight. That is why we have savings, to bridge the gaps, so we do not feel the need to put charges on the credit cards. Well.... I would like to pay back to savings the money I borrowed. But I chafe at the pace of debt repayment. I want it all to be over now. I want to be debt free today. I also want to be skinny now and wanting it does not make it so.
There is a rhythm to each financial year. My spending is always higher in the summer because the child is home, then there is back to school, then Nov birthdays and then Christmas. So If I am honest with myself Aug - Dec are always slimmer then Jan - July. The BEST debt repayment months are during winter. But I have felt the power of debt elimination. I feel how wonderful it is that I can decided to pay less each month if I needed to. I am committed to paying of the remaining balances.
Each month just a little more goes to elimination and a little less goes to interest. It is so powerful to be able to make progress.
For myself the argument for savings is a big one we want to purchase a home. We will need to have money for closing costs and other expenses. I am not sure if one month's savings would make a dent so I keep eliminating debt. But that is where the tug and pull comes from. Rationally I think we will end up purchasing a home in 2 years after the debt is much lower. We'll see. If they offer the tax incentive again next year it will give us pause... again.
My actions are to debt elimination even though some times I feel the savings pull. I almost always choose to put the money into debt pay down. I just don't want to live a life with an expensive anchor anymore.
Food for thought. Enough ranting... thanks for reading
I am not a financial professional. If you are looking for financial advise you should seek it elsewhere. If you would like to join me on the journey, walk with me for a while and be my friend......