July was a hard month. Financially and emotionally. A lot of events happened. Two family vacations, visits from DD, visits from my mom, and a few unexpected bumps and bruises. So my blog has been quiet. There was so much going on I didnt try to control the chaos, I just went along for the ride. Thats the name of the blog.... road traveed. And this months was a doosey. So I have been bumped and bruised. Today I have picked myself up. Brushed myself off and I am ready to be back on the financial trail.
The damage:
After vacation spending through the end of june and All of July we put $1486.88 on credit card for vacation. There may be other expenses through checking but on a credit card for two vacations $1486.88 is not bad. There was a lot of pressure to go on both of the vacations. The beach vacation is a tradition we have been doing for about 12 years. My daughter would not let me not go. Financially my husband contributed a lot more this year and thank goodness he had a lot of overtime cash he spent so we did not have to run too much on the cards. He is an awesome man.
The second trip was a vacation to visit Husbands family. I did not have a lot of vacation time left so I had to drive down on a different day and so there were gas and food expenses. It was not too bad and as it was for his family I would do it again.
Time now to get back on the horse though. Over all I am not too upset with the numbers. I want to be able to take it in stride although It makes me sick to have a debt anchor hanging around my neck. I look forward to the day I do not have to write checks to the banks and I am free. It may take longer then the origional plan BUT I will get there and I am determined to be debt free. One day at a time.
As a result of being away my desk has gone to pot. Last week I organized all the papers to help make order from chaos. This week is health care focused. Next week will be how can I save money by taking lunch to work. Thank goodness I can sit at my desk one day pr week. I do not know how I would get it done if I did not have that luxery.
I am not a financial professional. If you are looking for financial advise you should seek it elsewhere. If you would like to join me on the journey, walk with me for a while and be my friend......