March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.... Well the Lion says get some stuff done. The little lambie wants to be lazy. Sometimes people dont get blogging. But for me it helps me focus. I have to think about my progress for the week and then I can tell where I am and where I want to be.
So things I need to do to be on track:
Address health care issue
Bank (done)
Errands this morning (done)
Dr this afternoon
Balance my check book - I have not been tallying my budget for the last three months
Fill out financial info
Pay car insurance
Also I would like to do a how much does this dinner really cost. I spent $63.00 at the grocery store today. I bought the ingredients for about 5 days of food
We need to focus on two things: Cost
and Calories - I have high cholesterol and am at risk for diabetes so the meal must be healthful.
Today I saw a recipe that I adapted from A year of
CrockPotting She has some awesome recipe ideas.
I am making a pork roast. Here are the ingredients list:
Pork Roast (Used 1/2 from Sam's Club, Cost 6.25)
Rosemary Used in the house ~1.00
Cumin Used in the house ~1.50
Garlic 1 bulb (Yep the whole house smells like garlic .66
Plums 3.00
Apple juice 3.79
Cinnamon stick 7.99
Mashed pots leftovers
Veg 2.29
Much less then a dinner out and we'll have leftovers for at least one meal so 26.48/2=13.24. Not bad for dinner. The cinnamon sticks were WAY over the top. But I love different spices. I will use them in another meal.
[Update: the pork was Delicious. I'll make it again. I have become a crock pot fan.]
It is really helpful to look at different costs to determine how we are doing on dinners. I am really really bad at spending money at the grocery store. I admit it. SO... If I blog about it I am then accountable. And If I am accountable I can change. I can get out of debt. I can. I can I can.
My reward should be to choose what cross stitch project I am going to bring to AZ. We are going on vacation with our family. And as you ask how can you do that??? My mom is treating us. Thats how. She paid for the tickets, the car rental, and the living arrangements. We are covering a small amount of food and whatever shopping we do there. Is it bad I looked for a cross stitch store online already? there is one there.... Maybe they have some new stash. LOL