Thursday, November 13, 2008
Lower rate early payoff??
Monday, November 10, 2008
Cross stitch Posts

And to keep myself and my hands busy while I go to the Drs twice a week I need a small to carry with me project where I can just grab the project and go. So I am working on a wonderful winter sled. I started out wanting to keep it all the same as the pattern calls for but the unavailibility of some supplies will require me to re evaluate that. Some of the Rayon threads are no longer available. And truth be told I love the cotton much better. I knoww what the Colors would be in the regular cotton thread so I plan to use those and create a little pin keep or perhaps a door hanger. I love to hang little items on the china cabinet for the season. Lets see how far I get on the finish.

And in the evenings... The big project... is one I had started but had to stop. I lost heart. Really who in the heat of Aug wants to think about Santa. Well besides me... because typically I love Christmas all year round. I have considered a Christmas Room. But then thought. DH might object. LOL

Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum is one of my all time favorite designers. I have also stitched
Spirit of Christmas......L&L 11
Nantucket Rose......L&L 20
Angel of Light......L&L 7
The Bride......L&L 9
hmmm and I am missing a Santa... But you get the idea. I love her designs.
This weekend I discovered a huge problem with some of the threads though. I had to pull out almost the entire left angel. Yep over 60 rows of stitches. to do over again. Something was wrong with the threads. The dye lots were not the same. They did not match. Perhaps by letting it sit for six months I aged the threads somehow and the yellowing of the one angel showed up like crazy. There was even a line in the skirt where I had changed threads to a newer brighter white. It was not a good combo. Out with the bad and a redo. Painful but I could not look at the finished piece and live with the error. Not when I have the ability to fix it now. It took two days of careful seam ripping and meticilous thread pulling to get rid of the yellowed threads. Ahhh but now she is ready to start fresh and whole and I will have a bigger sense of pride that the piece looks right.
So I feel ready for the baby to come. I have my nap time projects and the room ready. Come on little son.
Ask.... Dont forget to ask
I am not a financial professional. If you are looking for financial advise you should seek it elsewhere. If you would like to join me on the journey, walk with me for a while and be my friend......
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Actions defining my priorities.
Last week I spent some time indulging my renewed passion in Cross stitch. So far it's just looking. I have decided that what I want for Christmas is to be able to purchase some cross stitch supplies. And I would also like subscriptions to stitching magazines. I miss the hobby. I love reading the blogs and seeing posted progress of other people's ideas. It's also going to be a long winter with a new born and I know that with my daughter it was cross stitch that saved my sanity the first time around. I fully expect for it to work again. But I want to act within the confines of my budget. Any hobby can go awry quickly with spending on things that you don't need. Cross stitch is no exception. But if DH is going to get me a gift for Christmas isn't it okay to get what I want??? It may also be possible to ask mom for stuff too. That way the big green eyed monster will keep me in check before my actions override my priorities.
Actions and priorities... Shouldn't your priorities define your actions and not your actions define your priorities?? That is to say set your goals. Decide what you really want for your life and then keep your actions within those goals. There are no perfect people so slipping up like shopping for the powder room last month are the little indiscretions that take place outside of the boundaries you have set for yourself. But coming back to realign my priorities... That's what counts. Always returning to my goals. Paying off my Credit Card debt. That is first for me. When I first began this journey I limited everything. Now that I am in the rhythm of the process its going okay.
What do you spend your money on?
Children, debt, food & shelter. In that order.
What do you go without or spend less on?
Clothing for myself. Decorating the house.
We don't get movies except on the rare occasion. As things move forward I will spend less on food. I continue to budget for work clothing. I rarely buy anything for lounge around the house clothing. We are cutting back our cable. We gave up the home phone. We use cells only.
What are you saving for?
#1 is having an Emergency fund. I keep $2000. Because I feel with children you need that extra and above the Dave Ramsey rule.
#2 is a down payment for a home and closing costs.
What percentage do you save?
I don't do it as a function of a percentage. I received some money from my grandmother and I have set aside that for closing costs. If we were to purchase a home right now we would have to finance 100% of the cost. This is possible for us because my DH is eligible for a VA loan. We have not been really looking at homes however so it's a pretty long way off.
My budget is pretty bare bones. It took a year to get there. It was NOT overnight. I want to be out of debt. It seems like a long time to go without buying pretty things for yourself. I have found that my children are Very expensive and they are my main priorities. DH is an awesome man and financially he has really kicked it up in terms of budget. We keep separate checking accounts. This is because we manage money differently and I would be really uncomfortable managing my money the same way he does. Having been married before I like it separate. We agree on common spending items and we agree on most of the priorities.
I am feeling comfortable with our choices. Health care evaluations are this weekend. I need to decide which plan will be best for us. It was much easier when its just me. and I find very difficult to plan for the unknown.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Priorities and Actions in Action….
Priorities and Actions in Action….
I have promised myself time to stitch if I finish the priorities on my desk. (Fear of leaving stuff undone is also motivating me. Labor looms...)
1) Scan Comcast bill to submit for work (Done)
2) Collect Sprint Bills (done)
3) Pay bills online (Done)
4) Call at least 2 pediatricians (DONE)
5) Look online at which Pediatrician takes my insurance (DONE)
6) Find pricing of benefits for next year. (DONE)
7) Call Dr about missing prescription (DONE)
8) Pay Hosp bills (done)
9) Mail Package to SK (Done)
10) Call Short term Disability Benefit # (DONE)
11) Fill out Finals Gift pack for DD (Done)
Those items were the stick. The carrot. Cross stitching. I needed a reward. I dont know why I thought it would be "quick" to handle. I had a lot to do. I rocked through it. Fear of labor was another stick. But in the end I did it. I got it all done.
And so here is the result of the stitching. As you can see I made some progress. All that is left is is a bit of sock and the back stitching. I am so proud to have completed this piece. I instantly fell in love with it and cant wait to finish it into a door hanger. That is this weekend priority and plan. Clean the house, pack for the hospital, and finish a few Cross stitch pieces. I will take more pics when they are done.
Last item is to find the thread boxes. We moved them somewhere. I would never abandon them.
Here ia a pic of the Cross stitch. It is a pattern by La D Da called "Smell my feet". It was in the JCS Oct2008 issue. I love it.
Monday, November 03, 2008
November goals:
Finish three ornaments for Halloween.
Find 1 small project to take to Dr. Office with me
Put pack in play in our room so baby has place to sleep
Evaluate health plans
Submit expense bills to Office
Pay bills
Good news. I paid down $961.59 in debt last month. Not quite sure how... but it worked. I am so excited. CC#2 new balance is $3170.32. Next month it will be under $3000 mark. Wahoo!!! I am rollin', snow ballen'
The pay down date according to my snowballs on is still Aug 2011. It seems a long way away. That works in my favor in a way. It gives me time to do slow and steady wins the race.
DH even was able to talk to the cable company and renegotiate a deal so that the cable bill dropped significantly. Feeling much better about cable. And I should get a refund from work for some of the cable expense. That will really help.
Notes for October....
I only spent $82.80 on gas last month. WOW what a difference commuting and a dip in the gas prices makes.
Eating out was another story. I spent a lot more eating out then I should. Its time to make sure I have quiche prepared for breakfast!
I also spent $207.87 on misc. Expenses. One night the power was out and I went shopping for the baby. The other times I really wanted to stitch something so I bought some items to create a project. they were small amounts but they added up quick. I will need to be more careful in November.
Cross Stitch love returns
20 years ago I made a sampler for my aunt when My cousin was born and I started remembering how I had accomplished that. I remember charting out the name and the letters along with a picture I liked. Bingo! I started creating a plan. I could make a sampler for my son of something I want.
But in the mean time I have found a pattern I loved in the latest issue of Just Cross Stitch Magazine (JCS). it was called "Smell my feet". It was so so cute. I decided to stitch it first being in the Halloween spirit. I had decorated for Halloween around the house and I needed something to take with me to all my doctors apts.
Once I found the needle in my hands again I was content. It has been 9 months since I worked on a cross stitch project. I was discouraged at the lack of stitchers there seem to be. All the craft stores cater to the scrap bookers these days. JoAnn fabrics, Michael's, AC Moore.To find the truly awesome designs you have to really know the designers and do a LOT of research.
Then I did a search on technorati for cross stitch blogs. Well Of course if people are blogging about Personal Finance they would be blogging about cross stitch. I fell deeper in love. I am reading about projects people are working on. Looking at different finishes they use to accomplish these items. A pin keep, a pillow, an ornament, framed. The passion is back. And I realized I was making a mistake. Art is influenced by our moods and passions. I had limited myself to work on one project and one project only until It was completed. Well I had a monumental huge project that I love. But it is a Christmas Santa. and who wants to work on Santa in the middle of summer??? So why not pick up a little quickie project that you can complete and let Santa wait. Its the same theory as the Dave Ramsey snowball. Pick off the little things first. then roll you efforts onto the bigger ones. So this is what I am doing in my cross stitch work. I have almost completed the Smell my feet design. Once it is completed I will be picking up Santa again. It will be November and that is not too early to work on Santa. Plus after a feeling of accomplishment with the small project I feel like I can take on a bigger mountain.
As for my CC status. I picked off a med size one with a high rate of interest. I am working on another Med sized one with a lower but now the highest interest card rate of all the cards. I do believe I will be able to pay this one off by next summer. Then its on to card #3. I am sticking to the Debt snowball plan.
As for projects... I have Smell my feet to finish. Which I have already purchased the fabric and cording for. I have a plan for two others. I am going to work on them this weekend after the Hospital birthing class. I have been inspired by others finishes and I know I can do it. In a way this is mental clutter and planning on clearing it out feels so good. In the mean time here is a photo of the smell my feet in progress. I Will post it again after completed.
Cross stitch This is something in my life that I am really proud of. As a young girl I heard often the message when you leave a place you should leave it behind you even better then you found it. Well that is what Cross Stitch does for me. It allows me to leave beautiful things behind that lets me know I have been here...