Monday, September 10, 2007


Guarding your wealth.

Just the title of the blog inspired me to take care of a few things nagging at me. I am finally focused and calm enough to be able to gather my “WA” as my mom puts it. What I mean by that is I have moved three times in the last three years. This is the first summer we have not spent schlepping boxes from here to yhe ends of the earth.

Today was a rough morning but possibly something good can still come out of. Although I feel like the tide started turning yesterday.

But let me start at the beginning......

A few weeks ago my ex husband told my daughter he would stop paying support when she turns 18. He was goading me and it worked. The legal agreement is that he should continue support until she graduates from high school which is not until June. I was trying to ignore the pain in the neck it is to chase down the paperwork and transfer the agreement to the state I currently live in...... Well I have no choice now. How can you think that just because the agreement is over that the need goes away? She is a good kid. She needs his financial support even if he supports her in no other way. So I began the process again. It made me think of the knight in shining armor. I am the knight looking out for my child's interests. I am guarding her wealth.... So then I thought where is my wealth? And I looked at the 101 financial things I want to accomplish. Guarding my wealth... I saw that I needed to contact a prior employer to find out what finances I had left with that company. Now this was 8 years ago and the company has since changed owners a few times. I had attempted before to find an HR person who might be able to point me in the right direction with no success. Yesterday I started dialing for dollars again. Well, I did it I tracked down the pension. It is not a lot of money. BUT it is MY money and I want to make sure I guard well what I have.

The other thing I have done to guard my wealth was to create a RSS feed to track part time employment in my local area through Craigslist. (See the Getting Finances Done blog on how to set it up) Best thing I have seen in a long time! You can get notification/alerts for anything. I am using it to get alerts for a second job. Today I saw a position for a part time bookkeeper. Now this would pay more than working in retail and would be totally worth my time so I sent my resume. I don’t know if anything will come of it but I really need to get a second job. I have my fingers crossed. Just the fact that the alert worked in the way it was designed made me feel so empowered. Like a knight with his big honkin’ sword ready to take on the debt dollars. A financial Hero.

Thats what I need to take on the debt because today..... I spent the morning at the car dealer. Luckily I did not have to burn an entire sick day for a car issue. But $330 dollars later I realize I do need to get a second job... Like NOW!